benefits of cultural diversity

Recent studies indicate how cultural diversity benefits Australian society via its economy. It makes the people of the organization think that their value and worthy contributions are being realized by the organization and the management. “When employees respect each other and get along in the workplace, it’s amazing how productivity increases, morale increases and employees are more courteous to customers.”. Another benefit of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increase in creativity among teams, and the ability to have a more diverse set of solutions to specific problems. 1. When companies recruit and retain a diverse pool of people, it brings about different benefits to the company as well as its employees. Cultural diversity in the workplace is when companies are open to hiring employees from all sorts of different backgrounds; regardless of race, religion and culture. Please help us improve. Diversity and its Importance in Early Childhood . Active persuasion of diversity at the workplace directly impacts productivity and profitability of the organization as well as the employees. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. Remember that a diverse workplace combines employees from different backgrounds, ethnicity and experiences, and together breed a more productive environment. Companies who recruit and encourage individuals from a wide range of backgrounds generally gain a reputation for being a good employer. With more ideas to choose from, you improve the chances of finding the best possible solution. , Erwin Z See also How We Encourage Diversity and Equality in Our Content Marketing. Benefits Of Companies will also gain from each employee by learning from each other’s experiences and applying this new-found knowledge to their work. Benefits of Diversity in Education. Do you know that a diverse company can lead to greater productivity? Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other business blogs, and believes that using employee pulse surveys can significantly improve employee engagement. The benefits of diversity Diversity in workplaces is not just about adequately reflecting diversity in the broader population. What is the point of having a pool of diverse employees when they do not learn more about each other’s lifestyle and culture. Exposure to a variety of different perspectives and views leads to higher creativity. For example; with the rise of companies dealing their businesses in China, a company that hires employees fluent in Mandarin to increase the company’s reputation in Chinese communities. Such dynamic exchanges that take place between people having different perceptions yield creative results. It entails a wide number of disciplines and subject areas including all kind of learners. 90-101) In a research study to find out cultural diversity in management teams of top organizations, it was found that culturally homogenous companies are faced with challenges of moving the company forward (Philip, 1996, p.84). Think of the human race as a whole; we are a very diverse species across the globe, with many different cultures, languages and beliefs. There is an enhancement of productivity of the workers and profitability for the organization. This may be in part to global business trends, and the benefits of language diversity. Such a pool of talent provides the organization with a competitive edge, which help it to progress in a huge and competitive environment. Social segregation often occurs when speakers of two mutually unintelligible languages live side by side. Although the practice of this concept has gained momentum in the past few years, but its existence is quite old and cultural diversity continues to live all around us. Society benefits on several levels when encouraging diversity in the workplace. When companies recruit from a diverse set of potential employees, they are more likely to hire the best of the best for the industry. An increase in innovation and creativity among a culturally diverse group can create an esprit de corps and the feeling of positive progress for the … It is important to remind ourselves why diversity and cultural awareness is so crucial in the classroom and the benefits it can have on students now and in the long-term. Having more women working in the labor force would help to fill job shortages at the local, regional, national, and international level. By hiring people with different personalities and at varying stages of their career, it can help to foster creativity and offer a range of perspectives and ideas. This means that you’ll have more chances of hiring top talents if you show that there are no prejudices or bias … Language barriers are generally temporary in nature (most immigrants eventually learn the language of the country they move to), but the resultant segregation can endure, as exemplified in segregated neighborhoods and ethnic ghetto… Another benefit of cultural diversity in the workplace is the positive reputation that the company would receive. “In society today, most people view diversity as a good thing because it gives people the chance to experience different things outside of what they are normally accustomed to.” Teen Ink states that lack of diversity causes stereotyping, mistrust and could lead to bullying. Let’s take a look at the benefits that cultural diversity brings to the workplace. In a constantly increasingly competitive economy where skills and talents are crucial to improving the company, put together the most diverse set of candidates is increasingly necessary to succeed in the market. Benefits Of everything that matters, April 10, 2010 About cultural diversity in Australia. One of the main disadvantages of cultural diversity is its tendency to create language barriers. Cultural resource. When companies hire a more diverse workforce from all backgrounds, these employees inevitably bring their own specific skills, that can be often just as diverse. Solutions based on different experiences and schools of thought. Cultural Diversity in Companies. It is natural that people with varying experiences and perspectives in life would be able to generate unique ideas and solutions to problems. Many recent studies have shown that increased cultural diversity in the workplace can lead to greater profits for the organisation. Research findings on management of cultural diversity: Umans (2009, pp. Cultural enrichment benefits the diverse society because it helps the society learn that racism or being prejudice towards different people because of their colour or race, this lead to the society having high level tolerance. 13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace 1. In 2020, Marriott International was No. 4.Exchange of innovative ideas. Please rate this article. Employees from all sorts of different backgrounds get to learn from their colleagues’ experiences from a different perspective. Diversity brings in different talents together, all of them working towards a common goal using different sets of skills. Companies who are recruiting from a diverse pool of candidates only mean a more qualified workplace. Engaging with others whose opinions, customs and personal lifestyles differ sharply from your own increases your self-insight. Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability. The many benefits of cultural diversity include: 1.Promotes humanistic values. The Power of Diversity. Benefits and Challenges of Diversity The diversity of a university’s faculty, staff, and students influences its strength, productivity, and intellectual personality. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed. This is a win-win situation for both the employees and the organization. Underlying both morale and productivity is social consciousness, or the sense of responsibility that leaders and employees feel for each other, as well as the health of … A company that embraces cultural diversity in the workplace would immediately entices a wider pool of candidates for its job vacancies. This will not only bring profits for the organization but will lead to the development of competencies among all employees. Benefits of Diversity in Education. The Benefits of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace June 27 is Canadian Multiculturalism Day, a day to celebrate Canada’s cultural diversity and commitment to democracy, equality, and mutual respect and also to appreciate the contributions of multicultural … go ahead………………, Yah it is really improved our thinking power..and we get many things from there…, yes you can add on information about cultural heritage being of benefit to a community, yeaaaaaah it is really improved our thinking power..and we get many things from there…, March 20, 2016 6 Benefits of Having a Diverse Workforce A Variety of Perspectives. Higher-educated candidates who experienced diversity while at university may feel that a diverse company is more progressive and therefore will want to work there. Increased Creativity. Cultural enrichment which tries to encourage everyone to explore different types of food from different ethnic backgrounds, like herbs spices etc. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Benefits of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Ask and learn them from employees during lunch break or after work drinks. There are some very positive benefits that can be hard from having a more diverse workforce. Cultural diversity can increase creativity. Cultural diversity in the workplace helps to increase productivity at work. Another benefit of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increase in creativity among teams, and the ability to have a more diverse set of solutions to specific problems. 2.Improves productivity and profitability. Thus, they are able to bring fresh ideas to the project by thinking out of their comfort zone. Sign up to receive employee engagement and company culture articles by email. It exists in different communities and households, from small suburbs to big cities and that too all through the world. Your organisation could soon enjoy a wide range of benefits, such as the ones we have mentioned in this article; I wish you all the best in increasing the cultural diversity in your team and workforce! The course curriculum is not the onl… 5.Other benefits of diversity. There are many factors which promote diversity within society which we are going to discuss. By enjoying a more culturally diverse workforce, it is often found that employees then spend more time in their daily lives with people from cultural backgrounds that they are often never exposed to. , Erwin Z August 20, 2010, Harri Daniel, Comments Off on Benefits of Diversity in Education. A diverse collection of skills and experiences allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis because the company is able to relate and understand their clients better, and some even on a personal level. With each group maintaining its identity and practices, multi-ethnic societies offer a wealthy pool of culture. The concept of diversity takes various forms and is incorporated into many aspects of our life. With so many different and diverse minds coming and working together, many more solutions will arise as every individual brings in their personal way of thinking, operating and solving problems and making decisions. The end result of this is that employees learn new cultural insights and this in turn, reduces negative emotions such as racism, homophobia, sexism and the like. When your employees are sharing their personal experiences when they were in high school or what each or every festive season meant to them, they have built a trusting relationship among their colleagues. Diversity is all about bringing different beliefs, values, and norms together for talents to work on a common goal. , Comment Closed, of course. One in four of Australia’s 22 million people were born overseas; 46 per cent have at least one parent who was born overseas; and nearly 20 per cent of Australians speak a language other than English at home. This helps people become accustomed to hearing and sharing different perspectives and presenting their ideas. Benefits of workplace diversity Having a diverse and multicultural workplace brings several advantages. This is great because it increases employee engagement and at times increase employee motivation as well, which is great for the company. Posted in Miscellaneous. 48 per cent of companies in the US with more diversity at senior management level improved their market share. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. Diversity is an element of the society and has now become an important part of businesses as well. Many studies related to organizational behavior conclude that promoting cultural diversity reduces absenteeism rates, lower employee turnover, reduce the costs associated with hiring new employees and reduce legal responsibility in discrimination lawsuits. Broadly this idea includes hiring people of diverse races, different religions and promoting the entry of working staff from different countries. When an organization has a group of employees belonging to diverse cultures, it demonstrates that the organization recognizes and celebrates and commemorates the diversity that exists in people of different backgrounds. Tagged as culture, society, March 20, 2016 People with different backgrounds tend to have different experiences and thus different perspectives. The results show that two-thirds of the people that took part in this survey find cultural diversity important part of the job seeking process. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed, March 10, 2016 This design allows each team member to focus on their strengths.If an employer can create diversity in the workplace, then each worker will have their strengths complement those of everyone else on the team.

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