cultures to learn about

If you're in school, take leadership of making sure your school is celebrating many different cultures. You'll be surprised at how much your child can learn about world cultures from thousands of miles away from … These 5 cultures from around the world are some of the most interesting: The Huli are one of the most famous tribes on Papua New Guinea, an island in Oceania that is home to hundreds of unique traditional tribes. 3. There are many reasons why travelling is addictive. Learn what you can. El dia de los muertos (the day of the dead) is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd every year. Seek out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries. Ask what the major holidays are like there, and how they celebrate them. Australia is becoming more multicultural, which means that people and traditions from other countries and cultures are becoming more noticeable and celebrated. Many of the Loba still believe the world is flat. Ask what daily life is like in their culture. учать другие культуры, Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Learn about each country's marketplace through pictures and articles. Along with taming wild horses, one of their most famous ancient traditions is hunting with eagles. If your library does not offer foreign films, search online for where to order or rent foreign films. But the most addictive and beautiful thing about travelling is being able to learn about and experience new cultures. Search for the accounts of notable figures in that culture, or look up webpages dedicated to specific parts of that culture, such as fashion, entertainment, art, or politics. Also look for documentaries about other cultures. For instance, nowadays you will see men wearing, trendy jackets or women long coats and watch them eat a burger or some sort of fast food. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Look for guides that cover information about etiquette, gender roles, festivals, and religion. Each person in the class selected the culture they wanted to research and report to the class. And with 195 different countries in the world and thousands of different cultures, the opportunities to lose yourself in a different culture are limitless. A person can learn about different cultures if she samples authentic food from a specific cultural group. Look for a book specifically for beginners if you are new to the language. Learn the Language. With increasing recognition of the significance of learning about Aboriginal histories and cultures, educators and teachers certainly require more support and resources to achieve the aims of Aboriginal education. Accept your own naïveté. Many museums have online exhibitions if you do not have that many museums in your area. The Huli are proud and fearless warriors who are known for their ornate headdresses and unique way of painting their faces and bodies with bright yellow Ambua (a sacred clay) and red ochre. According to the Survey of Canadian Attitudes toward learning, 71% of Canadians tried socializing with people from other cultures in 2007. It is better to go through a program rather than finding a pen pal yourself. For that reason, we’ve helped narrow down the list for you. People don’t realize that clothing can communicate unintended meanings in other cultures. You Can Stimulate Your Mind The Huli are one of the most famous tribes on Papua New Guinea, an island in Oceania that is home to hundreds of unique traditional tribes. Do your research through the internet, library, or local community before you travel. Aboriginal cultures are diverse and sophisticated with thousands of years of development. The men often wear white with elaborate jewellery and turbans. This is what you observe on daily basis. Culture is a very broad subject that offers us countless possibilities for the research. It pushes you to your limits and expands your perspective. Maybe start with a few nursery rhymes found on YouTube. However, it … That’s why this week’s #YearofEpicReads challenge is to read books about different cultures—or, an #epicreads about an experience that is not your own. Encourage connections Finding ways to introduce kids to other cultures has been an important part of Nadia Aslam’s work as vice-principal of Al Falah Islamic School in Oakville, Ont. First of all, it’s interesting to learn about those who are different from you. You can use specific holidays, music, games, and dances as inspiration for your lessons. Other Latin American countries celebrate a variation of the holiday, but it originates in Mexico and is unique to this country. Don’t give away your personal information. From a young age, children are encouraged to work hard and try their best to succeed at a task, particularly in academics, sports, and other hobbies. Make sure that the place you want to travel to is safe, and obtain the correct documents for travel specific to that region. You can check out a guide to your chosen culture, or read travel journals by people who have spent time in that culture. To get started, be clear what culture to learn about. Always be careful when communicating with other people online. It is a place shrouded in mystery and mysticism and home to the Loba people (or Lowa). “I remember during an interfaith workshop, we thought the kids would be learning about their differences, but instead they made the connections. Search for videos with a specific subject in mind. bilyana noel … What behaviors and styles make you uncomfortable when people from other cultures exhibit them? Read more > Drink. They are famously brave, notoriously unruly, and renowned in legends and folklore. Why is this food or artifact important to your culture? This year we had 19 J-1 international interns and exchange alumni participate. You can be specific when looking up information about other cultures on social media. You can ask questions in the comment sections of YouTube videos, but responses from knowledgeable sources are not guaranteed. You don’t have to learn the language at first to get to know more about the culture, although learning the language will be helpful eventually. Not covering up in sacred sites is seen as … These bombacha wearing free spirits are the cowboys of South America. There are various ways that both children and adults can learn about different cultures. It is seen as the highest form of art and dedication. Read online news sources. Talk to them about how your culture differs from their own. Universities tend to be very competitive, so parents prepare their kids early for the admissions process. The Huli are proud and fearless warriors who are known for their ornate headdresses and unique way of painting their faces and bodies with bright yellow Ambua (a sacred clay) and red ochre. For example, you might ask your English teacher to include a more diverse selection of reading material. Choose what culture or cultures you would like to learn more about. For hundreds of years, the women have adorned their bodies with magical symbols that are considered both decorative and religious. Ask your librarian for recommendations, or search online for famous books from that culture. Sponsored by the ASSOCIATION FOR LIBRARY SERVICE TO CHILDREN a division of the American Library Association These are just a few ways to learn about cultures in your classroom. Do you think it is important to learn… You should be able to find news sources from different cultures in your language. 1. It hurls you out of your comfort zone and gives you a sweet taste of freedom. Understanding of belief systems and historical events in this area of the world should be included in intercultural teaching and learning strategies. 2. Reading about or talking to members of another culture or visiting a friend's cultural celebration is a great way to increase your knowledge and overall acceptance. Model Answer: The world is becoming more multicultural, and so a burning question arises whether it is no more essential to travel abroad to learn about foreign cultures as we can acquire a sound understanding of other cultures by reading books, watching TV, movies, and browsing the internet. Varying strains of LAB starter cultures will determine the final results of a … India is a land of mystery, magic, and incredible culture. Embracing these differences is why we teach our children about other cultures. Instead, learn from them. There’s nothing wrong with doing something just because it’s interesting. Be respectful when asking questions. A documentary may not be produced by people from that culture, but often they are produced by people knowledgeable about the culture. Learning about other cultures, languages, religions, and holidays aside from their own will help children learn that their classmates may be very different from them. European cultures are also important as our population becomes less Eurocentric. Search for verifiable pen pal programs online. The Kazakhs are a semi-nomadic tribe who have been travelling through the mountains and valleys of Kazakhstan since the 15th century. Also, if your school doesn't already have an International Day, you might talk to your teacher, counselor, or principal about sponsoring one. Most of these programs require money. One person can have diverse cultures such as; family culture, religious culture, age group culture, or work culture. They are learning social mannerisms, they are learning the language, and they are learning the history. From their beliefs, government system, and obviously their mathematicians and scientists, who've discovered some of the most important and basic concepts that we still build … Being culturally aware is a wonderful way to promote inclusion for all in your classroom. Read a history book about the culture you want to learn more about. These include: Diversify Your Reading Practice Japan is a foodie's paradise, with some of the finest and most varied cuisine in the world. It allows you to get in touch with yourself and teaches you how to appreciate life. Other cultures are learning about yours. They practice an early form of Buddhism and are known for their flamboyant religious festivals. Starter cultures are very specific in their tasks and need to have a healthy population so they are more competitive than undesirable (or unhealthy) bacteria that could contaminate the milk, curds or cheese. Consider fundraising or saving money for the trip. Is it okay to join in on this festival or celebration? Commit to helping just as much, if not more, than you are receiving information. A little extra knowledge ever hurt anyone, and it’s probably more useful and edifying than watching another mindless TV show. Through His sovereignty, they were born all over the world, in different lands, with cultures and traditions different from our own. Cultural responsiveness may require you to forgive your own mistakes and ignorance. This is the most common faux pas I see Western tourists committing. The Tiji Festival is a three-day festival consisting of rituals known as the “chasing of the demons”. Research your question before asking. Eat at a local ethnic restaurant. Some of them have captured the world’s imagination in films and books, while others are mysterious and completely isolated from the modern world. A Celebration of Cultures 2016 is a free event at which K-12 students can discover the cultures and traditions found in South America, Tonga, Native America and many others. You can ask what current events are going on right now, and how or if it is having an effect on them. How do I appropriately show respect to your culture? Studying culture helps us to understand our past, our place in the world, and our future, thereby allowing us to make better decisions in the present. This one helps kids learn about landmarks, flags and geography around the world. 30 Cool Sample Research Paper Topics on Culture. If the culture has a different language than your native language, search for translations of books in your language. In many parts of Asia, bare shoulders or knees (tank tops, shorts, short skirts) are strictly forbidden in temples. Be respectful of a potential friend’s culture. Teaching about cultures is important because we learn about other people which the Lord has made. This November 14– 18, Cultural Vistas participated in International Education Week (IEW) by bringing international exchange visitors to elementary, middle and high schools in both New York and Washington, D.C to give presentations on their home countries. Even though, it is not easy to understand all the beliefs, value or norms of others. Many YouTube channels talk about subjects like news, history, or gender norms. Educ 1100 Human Diversity & PEA 299 Intercultural Understanding and Competence: Spring 2004 - Vaxjo University: Kajsa Higgins & Helen Mongan-Rallis Leverage your experience, research, and imagination to think of other authentic ways to introduce children to the magical diversity of our world's population. Ask for more information from your school, church, or reputable website offering exchange programs. Copyright © 1999-2018 Travelstart Online Travel Operations Pty LTD. The men also put cassowary quills through their noses, snakeskin across t… But we need to ask whether such efforts, by themselves, help children learn math, reading, science, cooperation, responsibility, empathy—all the things they’re supposed to learn in school. Listen to songs in different languages. The men also put cassowary quills through their noses, snakeskin across their foreheads, a hornbill beak on their backs, kina shells around their necks, and a belt of pigtails to attract the ladies. Express that you are genuinely interested in their culture, and do not want to disrespect it in any way. Read more > Food. Wish to gain knowledge about their culture, but don’t use a person only to benefit from information. Become friends for the right reasons. Culture is a set of accepted behavior patterns and people with common experiences. Learning about cultures that are not your own can be a really cool experience and help us grow in empathy. ” Nearly three-quarters of Canadians try interacting with other cultures. Make sure you have time to commit to a class that may require homework and tests. Make sure you know what is required before signing up for any program. Ask what the biggest differences have been for them. Never give away more information than necessary to your pen pal. In a large institution, there may be big differences across departments. With the improvement of communication and the influence of multinational companies, we have a greater chance to interact with people from different cultures. The hope is, by sharing their cultures … Browse websites with data on entertainment, outings, politics, or trends. The following activities will help children respectfully interact and engage with people from diverse cultures! Other Cultures are Interesting. [1] X Research source You should be able to find news sources from different cultures in your lang… Gaúchos have existed for thousands of years and are one of the most romanticised cultures in the world. Volunteer for the right reasons. Cultures also can be moving targets. Wearing appropriate dress in a different culture is incredibly important for showing respect. 1. Subscribe to newspapers from that culture online to know more about what they are reading. To sum up, it is important to learn about different cultures to deal with culture shock. The annual Golden Eagle Festival sees wolf-skin clad Kazakhs take to the mountains on horseback and golden eagles soar into the skies in celebration of this unique heritage. Unless you live under a rock (okay, some narrow-minded people do), you’re going to meet people, and experience situations, that are unfamiliar to you. Learn about Japan's traditional sports, from martial arts like karate and kendo to the spiritual ritual that is sumo. Once I took a class in Multicultural Society in Graduate School. I wrote mine in the culture of India. 1. For example, search for “French news in English.”. Like many other cultures, Americans thrive on competition. Some programs require you to pay for your own trip, but others will pay for your services, as well as room and board. You may study the global aspects of culture that belongs to all the humanity, focus on the one place and time or make a research about some peculiarities of your local community. Type into the YouTube search bar things such as “Learn about French culture,” or “What do people in India commonly eat?”. When all these cultures are combined, they give each individual their personal culture. Study cultures that are different from your own. The Rabari, who are believed to have migrated from Iran more than a millennium ago, have roamed Western India for almost 1,000 years. Their intricate embroidery, magnificent brass jewellery, and tattoos are legendary. Don't dwell on them. 2. Do not say any slurs, or act in a manner that is disrespectful to their culture. Play a board game. Activities such as celebrating holidays from various cultures and decorating a bulletin board to reflect diverse cultures are worthwhile. Galloping across the wild prairies of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Southeastern Bolivia, Southern Chile, and Southern Brazil are the gaúchos. Offer your companionship to people, but never force yourself on anyone that is unwilling to communicate. They are bound to their horses and devoted to chasing the call of the wild (and wild cattle). Invented in Sweden, made with in Sunny Nairobi. Search YouTube for videos of street markets in other countries. Like it comprises of the food people eat and what they choose to wear. And one tribe that manages to capture the exotic magic of this great country is the Rabari (also called the Rewari or Desai). A class will probably require money. Plan a road trip that will take you through multiple towns, states, or even countries. You will gain valuable knowledge about another culture through volunteering, but make sure you are willing to dedicate yourself to helping others. Look up information or ask local institutions about course requirements and cost. 3 Greece Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, also known since ancient times as Hellas is a country located in southeastern Europe.. Greece is a classic civilization we all still learn from to this day. They are learning A LOT about it. The ancient “Forbidden Kingdom” of Mustang, which was a lost kingdom of Tibet, is a remote and isolated region of the dramatic Himalayas in Nepal. With so much to discover, though, even participants of our program may be stumped on the best ways to learn. Here are 7 of our top tips towards learning about a different culture. It is important to know information on subjects such as major conflicts, holidays, and customs. People of live in Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia were most likely to socialize with people from other cultures. They are descendants of Mongols and other nomadic tribes of Central Asia and still hold onto traditions that are centuries old.

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