do black holes explode

It's long been suspected that gigantic black holes lurking in the heart of galaxies rotate faster and grow larger as they feast on gas, dust, stars and matter. Answer #2: No, black holes do not explode. Rovelli writes down a quantitative model of the collapsing and bouncing star, but it’s very simplistic…in fact, I’d call it the general relativity version of a “spherical cow.” The spacetime has a region in which quantum gravity is non-negligible, which means a region in which physics we don’t understand take place. And this corresponds to a shorter wavelength of the emitted light. The issue of multiple points at 0 distance is one that I had worked out for myself. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information Any remaining mass would be liberated. They calculated its spin at close to the speed of light - 670 million mph. It’s hard to explain without a picture. The ellipsoid galaxy shape will contract and become galactic cluster or a spot, followed by the next galactic big bang. The analogous comparison with spiritual life, leads to the conclusion that matter from GBH becoming free energy when matter suddenly becomes non matter. I fully aware that we do not observe dark matter, but we know of its effects from the work of Vera Rubin. Black holes have thermodynamics (temperature and entropy) so are systems with microstates and notably continuous mass, spin and electric charge, … This is not possible to support endless big bang cycles if the reduction in matter is not replaced. Small galaxies would die with their sun fire. and then move further from the galactic black hole. Somehow this idea has been placed into the popular consciousness such that many smart non-physicists believe it. So far, we don’t know very much about fast radio bursts. This theory if someday is proven correct, could be the source of the mass/energy needed to create a universe. 4. When the galactic big bang occurs in the centre, the gamma energy is generated at the centre. Micro black holes, also called quantum mechanical black holes or mini black holes, are hypothetical tiny black holes, for which quantum mechanical effects play an important role. Can I prove this theory? Blackholes dont generally explode. I Made a Black Hole Explode and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2Subscribe if you like! It's something humans made up to more easily understand gravitational singularities. If the authors are correct, tiny black holes that formed during the very early history of the Universe would now be ready to 'pop off like firecrackers' and might be detected as high-energy cosmic rays or other radiation. I like your concept of galactic Big Bangs. Galactic Big Bang mechanism. Basically, we believe that information in the universe is conserved. I am also am aware that Einstein and others considered that E = MC^2 meant that mass was converted to energy without mass. Once you pass the event horizon of a black hole, you cannot ever escape. In fact, near the collapsing star, time will distort so much that a tiny amount of time near the star will appear to be billions of years to a distant observer. Blackholes are formed by implosion when an extremely dense object collapses on its own self. The super nova itself would produce heavier elements and the Big Bang would produce more hydrogen and helium. A more powerful explosion from the GBH, is the galactic jet which is also symmetrical. Credit: Universe Today. And this is certainly one motivation for him considering it. Instead of a Big Bang singularity at the beginning of time, we had a “Big Bounce,” where a collapsing universe transitions into an expanding one just in the regime where quantum gravity dominates. Secondary explosion can happen after the ejected matter moves out of the black hole.

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