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House Servant: Oh, you mean Jerry. Dr. King Schultz: With all due respect, Monsieur Candie, I didn’t seek you out for your advice. Calvin Candie: Use your weight, boy, use your weight! [Broomhilda nods her head as she turns back to look at Schultz] Dr. King Schultz: I figured you must be an admirer. Bag Head #2: But nobody can see. You can lay on all the German sweet talk you want, but it looks like this pony's got big eyes for Django. Betina: You want I should treat him like white folks? Calvin Candie: I’ll be. ... German. Django: We going to offer to buy Candyland? They going to try to make her a comfort girl. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: I said ni***rs on horses… Not to mention the horse goes back to its original owner because the horse is still his property. Eskimo Joe, twelve thousand dollars. [Stephen puts Django’s clothes down] Dr. King Schultz: What’s that other one’s name? And they good at it too you won’t bleed out. [as Jake stands to go outside suddenly the door bursts open and Django appears and he starts shooting at the trackers] [Dr. Shultz rides away with his horse and wagon; Django follows him on horseback but keeps watch of what the four other slaves do to Dicky Speck]. Oh, you son of a bitch! Dr. Schultz kills Candie and is subsequently killed himself. And Hildi is a charming conversation companion. Calvin Candie: You in trouble now, son. You won't even sell your second best, but your third best? Now, she a little beat-up, but she done that to her own damn self running through them damn bushes and sh*t. Django: “…members. [toasting their business transaction] Stephen: Now, I axed you, who this ni***r on that nag? Overseer #2: Come on, Charly. [Schultz walks towards Candie, Moguy turns to Django] And that ain’t no threat, horse boy. Or two: you could unshackle yourselves, take that rifle, put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them deep, and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this country. All the barrels aimed at that front door. Alright folks, calm down! Y'all two run along now! Dicky Speck: And you killed Ace! Little Raj Ellis: Goddamn son of a b*tch! Dr. King Schultz: [as Billy leaves the barn, Stephen closes the barn door behind him and turns to the still bound upside down naked Django] Django: Kill white folks and they pay you for it? Dr. King Schultz: Mister Candie, normally I would say “auf wiedersehen”. Calvin Candie: Woh, woh, woh! Dr. King Schultz: Mr. Bennett! And we gotta make a lesson out of him. [John Brittle slowly turns and faces Django] Now, read it out loud. She being punished. [points shotgun at Schultz] Dr. King Schultz: I haven’t… Not on my property, not around my niggers he can't! [the library doors open revealing Calvin Candie, Stephen is sifting his brandy] Calvin Candie: No, no, no, no. [Django speaks out from the back of the line of sl*ves] Calvin Candie: It’s alright. M*therf*cker! You understand that? Django: You got yourself a deal, mate. So I’ll talk slowly. [after killing Ace and pinning down Dicky under his horse, Schultz picks up the lantern fallen on the ground and lights it, he walks over to Dicky who’s screaming out in pain] U.S. Marshall Gill Tatum: Calvin Candie: Please, won’t you take a ride with us here in the Victoria. Calvin Candie: You will? Choice is yours. Are you brooding 'bout me getting the best of ya, huh? Cause as of now, if he’s an example, I ain’t impressed. I understand. Django: I ain’t saying that. Big Daddy: [Django shoots and kills Lara Lee, Cora and Sheba look at Django in terror] Oh. Frankie: Get it out. You niggas gon' understand something about me! You uppity son of a…! Broomhilda: [on the verge of tears] I ain't. Help! [to Django] I can't breath in this fuckin' thing! [Django and Broomhilda look at each other] Stephen! Dr. King Schultz: Now you can get the Marshal. If anybody should be getting whupped now, it should be me. [the saloon keeper makes a run for it] Dicky Speck: Goddamn it! Calvin Candie: Of course. Big Daddy: [teasing] [he throws one of the saddlebags containing the dynamite into the cage and the three men inside jump up making Frankie laugh] [Schultz raps on the bedpost to give his signal, and the adjoining door slowly opens, Broomhilda sees Django standing there] Dr. King Schultz: You know what they’re going to call you? Shoots? Django: Big John. The law wants them for murder. Calvin Candie: Now, now, now, now, now. Then I don't know what you want, Big Daddy! And now that I have, I feel vaguely responsible for you. Stephen: You son of a b*tch! Dr. King Schultz: [to Stephen] And he puts a fire breathing dragon there to guard the mountain. I said, "tell Miss Lara goodbye!". Django: Samson’s the champion. Calvin Candie: Stephen, Stephen. Like you on a rope! But, not pointing any fingers, they coulda been done better. Django: Calvin Candie: Hm. Dr. King Schultz: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Broomhilda. Dr. King Schultz: And I’ve been informed you do as well? Django: They here? Django: Y’all two run along now. I’ll handle this. [Schultz walks over to Candie] Dr. King Schultz: You know them by the name of Shaffer, but the butchers real name was Brittle. [Django takes out the handbill that Schultz had given to him just before he’d killed Smitty Bacall, we see one of the other mining company transporters read from the handbill] Why you so ornery? Which would be at least 37 miles back the way you came. Django: Yes, I'm sure that's Ellis Brittle. [suddenly Lara Lee snaps and slaps the table] While at the [Plantation|Carrucan Plantation], Django and Broomhilda's plantation owner taunts them for their marriage, so the couple attempted an escape, though they were eventually captured, brutally branded with the letter "r" on their cheeks (for "runaway"), and sold for different slavers. Stephen: [singing] In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore. Dr. King Schultz: Who’s your little friend? Pretty good. Stephen: [laughs] [Django runs over to Ace’s dead body and removes his jacket and shoes; Schultz walks over to Dicky counting some money] Django: No. Calvin Candie: You’ll pay five hundred dollars for practically a one eyed Ole’ Joe, ain’t fit to push a broom? I'm worse than any of these white men here! Dr. King Schultz: I want to be able to bill him as The Bl*ck Hercules. Sheriff Gus: Who the hell is the Wilson-Lowe Gang? You can't see! Django: I’m from the Carrucan Plantation. Sheba: I know you didn’t mean me. Calvin Candie: Willard: Stephen: Then why is you crying? State your business or prepare to get winged! I'm going home! Then they’re going to hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the ni***r hole. [to Schultz] You need to keep this Smitty Bacall handbill. And we got to make a lesson out of him. Django: Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: Uh, what’s your Jimmie’s name again? Broomhilda Von Shaft: Hey, Big Trouble Maker. And you, you old decrepit b*stard, oughta show them every hospitality. [he pauses for a moment] If you don’t wear them as you ride up, that just defeats the purpose! [the sl*ves toss their cloaks away and start walking towards Dicky] Django: Touch your guns, you die. Calvin Candie: You mean get up out of my chair? Stephen: Last night. Leonide Moguy: Oh, Calvings father and I were about eleven when we went to boarding school together. Stephen: Sure would. Him I understand. Stephen: You wouldn’t pay no never mind to no three hundred dollar. Dr. King Schultz: Calvin Candie: Oh, Stephen, you have nails for breakfast? Why not? Calvin Candie: Sold! One thousand and five hundred dollars for each of his gang…” Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: No, that’s not what I said. Mr. Pooch, if she tries to leave here before this nigger-loving German shakes my hand, you cut her ass down! [back on the hill Django and Schultz watch] Shit. Dr. King Schultz: Excuse me. [as Cora runs over to the iron box, Django watches as the overseers open up the iron coffin like box, throw water on Broomhilda, who’s naked, and as the water hits her she screams out and cries, the overseers drag her out of the box and take her away to be cleaned up, Django continues to watch when Stephen calls out to him] Calvin Candie: And that is a ni***r that can win fights. [on the verge of tears] And if y'all wanna leave Candyland with Broomhilda, the price... is $12,000. These jokers will be gone soon. Calvin Candie: Dr. King Schultz: Here. You just interrupted Dr. Schultz here. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: It’s against the law for ni***rs to ride horses in this territory. Calvin Candie: And if I wanted to sell Eskimo Joe for that, I could do so any day of the week. [Schultz shoots his rifle which sets off the dynamite he had stashed earlier in his dentist cart, the cart explodes blowing up the gang around it] [Candie raises his glass and the others do the same] Oh, he’s not doing what I told him, for God’s sakes. Stephen: You leaving. Django: Didn’t you hear him tell you I ain’t no sl*ve? Calvin Candie: Now, I reiterate, the warrant states dead or alive, so when Mr. Freeman and myself executed these men on sight, we were operating within our legal boundaries. I was beginning to think that you and that old crow run off together. Frankie: Do what, now? Dr. King Schultz: My good man, I’m simply trying to ascertain… Two beers for two weary travelers. Dr. King Schultz: Now, this is a warrant made out by Circuit Court Judge Henry Allen Laudermilk of Austin, Texas. Django: Not while I got freedom. Roy: Cut him loose. Dr. King Schultz: Load up the bodies as quickly as you can and let’s get out of here. How far he get off of the property? Naw, hold on, I'm fuckin' with my eye holes. Stephen then chats with Candie, informing him that Broomhilda is Django's wife and she is the Schultz's real interest, not the Mandingo. Django: Get her ass up out of there! Everybody stop antagonizing my guest. You got sand, Django. Betina: Uh-huh. Stephen: She going to give him to the LeQuint Dickey people. Dr. King Schultz: No, it’s far too big. [Billy heats up his huge knife, holds it up, he walks towards Django and grabs Django’s genitals] Billy Crash: How disappointing. Please forgive me. By the way, why is he called Eskimo Joe? Okay, boys, fun's over! Stephen: Mm-hmm. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: What’s the name of that peckerwood boy from town that works with the glass? Calvin Candie: There you go! Dr. King Schultz: This is my valet, and my valet doesn't walk... Dr. King Schultz: [Cora takes Broomhilda out of the dining room, Stephen takes one more look at Django, and follows Broomhilda and Cora into the Kitchen]. Stephen: Yes, sir. Django: Hey, white boy. You know them? Here it comes. [Schultz drops his gun and raises his arms, Django does the same] He's just being cheeky. Dr. King Schultz: You know, Monsieur Candie, you do possess the power of persuasion. I know this because three years ago, he was rustling cattle from the B.C. Dr. King Schultz: No, we just talked and… Django, and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. Django: Now, all you bl*ck folks, I suggest you get away from all these white folks. Calvin Candie: Why do you want to get in the Mandingo business? [Comes in tavern] I ain’t going to tell you who they are. Stephen: You say you ain’t know him. They going to find your bl*ck ass! [there’s a moment’s pause as everyone takes this reply in] Dr. King Schultz: Quite spectacularly so. [Django, with a metal collar around his neck and face, looks on]. Stephen: Two. I ain't. Stephen: You right, Monsieur Candie. Dr. King Schultz: Oh, so you’ve heard of it. Sheriff Bill Sharp: Okay, boys, fun’s over, come on out. I have relieved myself of all weapons, and just as you have instructed, I am ready to step outside with my hands raised above my head. Y’all get your ass over by that pen. [Candie’s men continue to shoot] Dr. King Schultz: Gang. You said in seventy-six years on this plantation, you've seen all manner of shit done to niggers but I notice... you didn't mention kneecapping. [suddenly the dining room door bursts open and Pooch points his sawed-off shotgun at Schultz and Django, this makes Schultz and Django jump up and turn from their seats, Candie yells at them] You know what I think you are? Well I can't see in this fuckin' thing! [he sits on a stool facing opposite Django] Stephen (1783 - May 7, 1859)was Calvin Candie's starkly loyal house slave and close friend. [Cora sees how Broomhilda’s dress has been undone at the back] Unnamed Baghead: [Stephen looks at her with suspicion and leaves the kitchen to go back into the dining room]. Roy: Who shot him? Now bright boy, I will admit you are pretty clever. Then, they're gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the nigger hole. Now! It's a custom here in the South once a business deal is concluded that the two parties shake hands. Big Daddy: Now take your hand off your pistol! Calvin Candie: Dr. King Schultz: Calm yourselves, gentlemen. Django: Broomhilda. Stephen: Then I says: “sh*tfire. She probably his wife. We gotta kill a nigger over that hill there! Dr. King Schultz: Monsieur Candie, um, I’d appreciate if you could direct your line of inquiry toward me. [the procession starts making their way towards Candyland again]. We went in there to get them, things went sour, my partner got killed, Calvin Candie got shot, then everybody there decided to blame me, so here I am. We found your wanted posters and book of figures in your saddlebags. [there’s a moment’s pause as Bennett’s mob lower their guns] We got a killer ni***r over that hill there! Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. [suddenly Django shoots him in the heart, John Brittle looks down in shock at the bullet hole in his chest] ni***rs don’t walk around here, ni***rs run! Little Raj Ellis: Come on. Django: Oh, me and my wife do. Calvin Candie: Calm down, Butch. [he throws the hammer down on the table] [swirling his brandy glass, looks up] Django: You better listen to your boss, white boy. Stephen: They playing your ass for a fool, is what I’m talking about. Everybody calm down. Dr. King Schultz: Stephen : [black house servant exiting the Big House] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes, sir. And we will again, in a moment. [Pooch turns to Broomhilda and points his shotgun at her, Django comes over and stands in front of her], Dr. King Schultz: You really want me to shake your hand? Saloon Keeper Pete: Marshal! You can’t destroy Candyland! Calvin Candie: What she do? Nigger love's a powerful emotion, boy. Stephen: Calvin, just who the hell is this ni***r you feels the need to entertain? Floyd: There we go. Django: I said how’d you like to make eleven thousand dollars. I know this because three years ago, he was rustling cattle from the B.C. [from the tree, Django and Schultz watch the remaining gang make a run for on their horses] Let me at least introduce the two of you. Dr. King Schultz: Hello, you poor devils! Stephen: Y’all done heard the man! Big Daddy: I'm not a bad guy, I'm just doing my job! Stephen: Meet me in the library. Hm? Big Daddy: Badder they are, bigger the reward. Django: want to know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me. [Candie sits in the chair opposite Stephen’s] But since what “auf wiedersehen” actually means is “till I see you again”, and since I never wish to see you again, to you, sir, I say goodbye. So here's my agreement: You travel with me until we find them... Dr. King Schultz: [Stephen enters the dining room with Broomhilda through the kitchen, he pushes Broomhilda forward] [Candie turns and walks towards his carriage, Django looks at D’Artagnan as his torn body gets dragged away by the dogs]. [on hearing this, Django puts his hand on his gun, ready to draw] You right, I’ll handle it myself. [suddenly Stephen grabs hold of Broomhilda’s arm and pushes her down into the nearby chair] | But he never did. Dr. King Schultz: Well, I do. If they named her, it stands to reason they’d be German. Stephen: I’m sorry, Dr. Schultz. Dr. King Schultz: [subtitled] Whatever he prefers. That’s a raid! My name is Dr. King Schultz. Django: Well, I say f*ck that farmer, and I’m stealing that horse. And I want you to start solving that problem right now and get them goddamn rooms ready! Django: Oh, that’s good to know. Oh, they does that real good. Django: Yeah. [Candie stands up and casually examines his cut hand]. It's a German legend, there's always going to be a mountain in there somewhere. [Schultz quickly removes his wallet from his jacket pocket and throws it on the table towards Candie, Stephen picks up the wallet and takes out a wad of cash and starts counting it] Calvin Candie: Yes, you can. Dr. King Schultz: Wait a minute! One more moment, Doctor! Betina: Brittle? [Stephen pulls up a stool and sits in front of the hanging Django] Stephen : Your black ass is what all them motherfuckers at the Big House could talk about for the last few hours. Gainey. [Calvin walks closer to the German doctor] Well fuck all y'all, I'm goin' home! Like what? Calvin Candie: with a white man. This is my horse, Fritz. Django: You want me to play a bl*ck sl*ver? Leonide Moguy: Help, he’s killing everyone! Frankie: You be damned, bla**ie. | And you, you old, decrepit bastard, you are to show them every hospitality. Dr. King Schultz: Can you convincingly masquerade as someone who is an expert on Mandingo fighting? What’s the matter? Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: Look, nobody’s saying they don’t appreciate what Jenny did. Well, you won't sell your best. [Candie’s family and house sl*ves return back to the house from the funeral at night, as they enter the house Stephen sings] Calvin Candie: That is her bill of sale, her ownership history, and of course, her freedom papers, doctor. Stephen: I just can’t understand why you won’t come talk to these ni***rs. [Lara Lee, Candie and Moguy laugh] [Fritz, does a little bow with his head] Betina: Uh-huh. Billy Crash is out there dealing with some shady sl*ver trying to sell a passel of ponies. Well, good. Django: You want to hold my hand? Oh, Monsieur Candie, you can’t imagine what it’s like not to hear your native tongue in four years. Don’t speak French to him, it’ll embarrass him. Robert: We all know that. Calvin Candie: You're encouraged to wire him. Stephen: Oh, Lord, she like them ni***rs. The exceptional nigger. ... and done spread a whole lot of bull to purchase this lovely lady right here, it would appear that Broomhilda is in fact the right nigger. You always keep the handbill of your first bounty. Business never sleeps. [after destroying the Candie plantation, approaches Broomhilda] Why not? [the saloon keeper has his back to them and is standing on a chair placed on a table changing a candle on the chandelier] [referring to Django] [Django puts his plate away and comes over to Schultz and sits in front of him] [to Schultz and Django] Dr. King Schultz: I can’t express the joy I felt conversing in my mother tongue. You might have caught yourself a little dose of nigger love. Little Jody: Please! Quiet spectacularly so. Actually, I was thinking of that poor devil you fed to the dogs today, D'Artagnan. [pointing to the piece of paper his holding in his hand] Floyd: You’re a funny bugger. Calvin Candie: Have a seat, doc. Stephen: Can’t believe you brought a ni***r to stay in The Big House. [Schultz laughs] Dr. King Schultz: Were her owners German? Django: Candyland? I didn’t say no bags. Is he a Candyland sl*ve, or did he ride in with a white man on a horse yesterday?

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