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Other examples could be how a … To enhance the relationship with your audience, make use of creative descriptions that will draw on the reader's imagination. Avail yourself of the added freedom to write a feature that you would want to read if you were on the other side of the print. The story, written by reporter Nancy Luna, described how Karcher started the fast-food restaurant, which specializes in hamburgers, on July 17, 1941, by selling 10-cent hot dogs, tamales, and chili dogs out of a cart on a street corner in Los Angeles, California. Features that fit this format are also called profiles. by Mrattray. The features in Figure 1 are basically a formalized version, wording wise at least, of traditional features. What direction are you taking? This is where you present an in-depth story about a person, organization, or event. Feature stories got their name from the "feature" section in which these types of articles previously appeared. Use this as an opportunity to say something attention-grabbing or something that’ll spark the reader’s interest. Looking at the different features such as caption boxes, speech bubbles, thought bubbles, action words. Why Is the Keystone XL Pipeline Still So Disputed? Photograph: Alamy. There should be a history section, including their background and upbringing, education, challenges, and life experiences. Really paint the scene and work to contextualize what you’re trying to say. Preparation. Many feature stories are recorded in the online archives of magazines and newspapers. Writing a feature A feature is a longer piece of writing than a news story. The news feature: A hard-news subject told in feature style; The trend story: A breezy look at a current cultural phenomenon; The spot feature: A quick, deadline-produced story, usually a sidebar to a hard-news story that gives another perspective; The live-in: In-depth piece of a place and the people who live or work there Each story writing checklist features various writing prompts that KS2 children can tick off once they have included it in their writing. However, since this is a human interest story and you want to draw readers into an experience, you don’t have to be overly formal or stiff. They detail what it’s like to be someone for a day, or what it’s like to be somewhere for a day. Its objective is to inform rather than entertain. An example: As a young girl growing up on the South Side of Chicago, Mae C. Jemison watched telecasts of the Gemini and … The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader and provoke some sort of reaction. A feature story can be distinguished from other forms of journalism because it does not follow the "inverted pyramid" model. Here are some tips to help you achieve that goal. Examples of explanation texts An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens. Students write a draft and a final paper as part of the unit. Why should they care? In most news stories, the most important facts are at the beginning of the story, with additional details being filled in as the piece goes along. The imagery that you create will captivate the reader and hold them with you until the end. They may also discuss the potential implications of the event. You establish the tone of your article in the introduction. For example, when Notre Dame caught on fire in April 2019, every news outlet was littered with stories on the tragedy. You can cover anything from a county jail, to a posh mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, to a corporate office environment, and more. You’ll also want to offer tantalizing behind-the-scenes details that people can’t get through a cursory Google search. The leeway an author is given in the style of a feature article is much greater than in other types of news writing. It differs from headline journalism in the length of the piece and the level of detail given to the subject. Features come in many different types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and online. It should prompt action on the part of the reader, encourage a change of opinion, or encourage the reader to make a decision. It is a detailed examination of the topic, rather than a broad overview of several things related to that topic. Understanding Trustees' Duties and Responsibilities in Managing a Trust, Estate Planning 101: How to Probate a Will, The Differences Between “Defamation,” “Libel” and “Slander”. Another term used to categorize feature writing is "longform journalism.". A good feature article contextualizes the story so it’s relatable and immediately relevant to the reader. The Figures of Speech is an effective tool in enhancing you feature writing. What is the central conflict? Make use of them frequently. Example: Simile: “My abdomen began to itch like ants infesting it.” “[The showers were ] like pure, wet silk gently wiping my forehead down to my chin.” “…smoothly swinging like a fine golden lace.” simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water cycle, or how a steam engine works. English. For example: For years, the people of Nepal lived under a dark cloud of oppression. Imagery – The method of writing a sentence in a way that helps the reader to imagine the situation is known as imagery. Your first paragraph is your chance to hook your … 694.3 It’s also a form of feature writing– it has to be said– that lends itself really well to our age– the digital age– because it fosters, encourages, and trains a kind of writing which can go right across all the multiple platforms, categories, and subjects that are required for multiplatform digital output. Include a unique detail that will be uncovered as they read on. Any time you browse your favorite news outlet, you’re bombarded with news stories. Feature stories rely on a writer’s ability to maintain a reader’s attention … Features versus benefits may indeed be Marketing 101, but a quick glance at the sales pitches of many online businesses makes me question whether anybody took that particular marketing nugget on board through the self-imposed hangover of their college years. If you’re describing a major event, relay small details like the wispy pink sky and the smell of cotton candy in the air. The deck, also known as a subhead or standfirst, is your second chance to entire readers. One is a "delayed lede," in which a person is introduced before his or her relevance is revealed. Features of diary writing Flip tiles. This is also the place to include any pictures that illustrate the story, as well as diagrams, charts, and other visual elements. It’ll detail things like when this new trend popped up, why people are embracing it, and where they will start to see it. That is, until David Young instigated a faith movement that would completely reshape their lives. When a hard news story breaks--for example, the sinking of a ferry in the Greek islands- … Consider things like colloquialisms, first-person narratives, and an authoritative yet conversational tone. Feature content is home windows in to the human experience, giving more detail and outline than the usual hard report, which usually depends on design for writing. A trend feature will highlight something new and exciting in modern culture. The Lead of a feature story can be used to sum up the article .Writing as an art at times need a creative writer who can be manipulative, cunning and at the same time embellish his or her words using rhetoric, connotative and emphatic words which can cause the reader to smile, wryly, shade tears, click the tongue and perhaps drove into a felicity mood.Proximity Ending: Proximity simple means nearer or adjacent … There will always be a title/headline, deck, introduction, body, and conclusion. Writing an effective feature story A unit that explores the writing of the feature story in-depth and looks at the different types of feature stories — profiles, backgrounders, etc. The opinions of the writer, those at the location of the story, and experts are presented in the body of the article. If you’re in need of some tips on writing a good feature article, get ready to have some fun. Try thisexercise. As these examples of features versus benefits show, nobody wants to buy spinach… people want strength, vitality and Olive Oyl. Features of academic writing Introduction. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. You’re going to be developing a human interest story that will appeal to a wide variety of readers. Writing the Article Write a hook to open your story. . It needs to highlight the general topic of the story. A feature article should always be very professional and buttoned-up. News features tend to root out in-depth details, such as the background and history of the people impacted by the story. For more on that, check out Get Creative: How to Write a Short Story. In a way, a notable feature article will resemble a short story. For example: David Young: The Man Who Restored Faith to the Darkest Village in Nepal. Features concentrate on a celebration or individual, giving the readers an opportunity to more completely …

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