i quit smoking why do i feel worse

If you’re not already eating these foods, here are some nutritional powerhouses to add: tofu, sweet potatoes, kale and other leafy greans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuces (except iceberg which has almost no nutrients and not much fiber) carrots, beets, Brussels sprouts, rutabagas, turnips, radishes, mushrooms, un-salted nuts, peppers (from sweet to hot) beans (of all kinds), whole grains (whole wheat bread, quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, oatmeal, un-salted popcorn, barley, wheat berries, cornmeal) tomatoes, apples, pears, berries (of all kinds including cranberries) oranges, pineapple, mangoes, cherries (especially dried) and avocados. Patches caused the most horendous skin rash, no teeth so chewing gum was out too. - Sunday, July 24, 2005. When you get a little older (like into your 30’s and 40’s) or if you already have some problems with constipation, you also might want to add a fiber supplement like Bob’s Red Mill Ground Flax Meal (2 tablespoons daily, keep refrigerated) or Trader Joe’s Psyllium Husk (1 heaping teaspoon daily, keep in a cool dry place) or Metamucil Just make sure you drink lots of water when you take these supplements. It is normal to feel worse after quitting I is all the gunk coming out of your system. Yes, most people who quit feel worse before they feel better. lynne..,.couldn't agree more.Champix a last resort go for me and they worked helping me quit after 40 years of smoking. I have since quit smoking and began vaping. Just don't use this brief period in your life as an excuse to start again. During the time I was taking that medication I had increased used of my oxygen. I try to use these products and I have an. I’ve found it helpful to try to find foods that have a low sodium content (per serving) in the first place. Are there negative health effects to smudging ceremonies. Keep your body hydrated. If you’re a long time tobacco user, suddenly quitting smoking can cause you to develop flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, congestion and even acne outbreaks. Your body is ridding itself of chemicals, your lungs of gunk and your mind of a comforting habit. I am more out of breath now after 3 months than I ever was when I smoked [even WITH a chest infection]. So if you eat a sandwich, you have to account for the entire amount of sodium that is in the bread, the mustard, the mayonaise, the cheese, the pickles etc. You have done the right thing and you feel the benefit of it. Why do you think people get worse after quitting? But as … Remember, you are stronger than your addiction. But, within a year or so, I was getting bad chest infections on a regular basis. As a teenager, you need to make sure that you get enough calcium, but get it through low and non-fat dairy products instead of full fat dairy products. Quitting smoking can be extremely difficult, with harsh side effects that alter your behavior and make you feel ill. \\\" Here are the Main reason's why i quit SMOKING!! Your GP surgery and your pharmacist can both probably help. If you use more than the serving size, you have to keep adding more miligrams to your daily total. Try different methods of cooking (or preparations at restaurant) so instead of having deep fried chicken, make your chicken grilled. Then I had my 9 year old nephew who is autistic here my sister his mom passed in May of 2016. I believe this is pretty common @Unclepepsi It takes a while for your body to get over its addiction and for all those toxins and crap to leave your body I would imagine. Love, Ruby🌹. Eat a baked potato with non-fat plain yogurt and some chopped green onions, or salsa instead of eating French fries. In fact, it will make you feel worse for giving in. A healthy diet should have somewhere between 1200 and 1800 mgs of sodium per day. There is lots of help and support for you and many people find it makes a difference. That causes problems from your muscles to your brain because they don’t get the oxygen they need. Instead of having a breading on the outside of your chicken, have it without breading and without the skin. Your body is reacting to the change. When he wakes up in the morning, he will feel tremendously better than when he awoke as a smoker. It actually only makes them feel normal. Learn to use marinades, herbs and spices and pepper and salsas and vinegars and fruit juices to give flavor to foods instead of using salt and butter and mayonaise. I quit smoking cold turkey about six months ago. and add up those amounts. I was a heavy smoker for 57 years, over the last few years 40 – 60 cigs [roll ups] a day. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do because of the toll it can take on the mind as well as the body. However as I said it is surely better that we don't start smoking in the first place - and take other temptations in moderation...... due to smoking having quit at Xmas but starting to have the odd one. However, that’s because smoking relieves their nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Do your feet hurt? You will feel better. Good luck. Also can you get out of breath from over eating? I’ve got nothing on the coughing, only that it might just be another flavor of respiratory distress. Another thing I noticed is that I sweat more since I stopped smoking. Whatever it is that you eat (and don’t eat enough of, probably fruits, veggies and fiber) let him or her know. I feel kind of bad, now that I just gave you a bunch of recipes for pulled pork LOL. I was reading some older posts, and see you haven't been on for a while. You will also want to make sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet. I am taking Chantix and stopped smoking 8 days ago. Ruby🌹. By the way I am overweight. They beat me up, internally speaking, yet I couldn't live without them. IBS seems to be a problem for most that give up smoking and I am no different. You will be shocked at how much of these items are in all processed and restaurant foods, but when you start reading labels on a regular basis, you will get to know which foods are better than others. For one, I've gained 20 lbs since then. When you stop smoking those cilia start working again and your lungs start getting rid off all the mucous and other shut that has accumulated in the bottom of your lungs while you smoked. Proves it is best not to start. Stick with it, you will be better off for it in the end. My moods are awful at times and I sometimes wonder who I am! Hi. Don’t wait to make this appointment. Related: The Best Method to Quit Smoking Forever Couple that with the physical symptoms of withdrawal—like headache, cough , and stomach pain —and the quitting process can feel endless. Im about a year further down the road ,gave up jan 15 . Hopefully they’ll see this post and chime in. I think your point about the immune system is a really good one. View Story. Quit smoking - Feel worse. I fought the urges and stayed off the ciggies. When you’re trying to quit smoking, one of the first things people say to encourage you is that you’ll have a lot of extra money that you can … You are now paying attention to the duress your body is under…you quit smoking….HUGE step, now do take the next step and exercise and eat better you will be glad you did. Even though you are young, because you’ve been a smoker, it’s imperative for you to get your first (if you’ve never had one) annual physical exam right away. I was told by the Doctor who diagnosed me whom also was a close friend to never quit smoking. I just know I am better off smoking. It’s better to catch things early and treat them, than to wait and die from them later (and possibly at a pretty young age). It may be the weight issue that is causing your breathlessness. I quit smoking for ever 4 months ago, feel worst than ever in my live, need help. You cough more and get out of breath quicker because because the upper airways are full of mucous etc. Which, getting on for two years later, I still haven’t managed to shift. I would wake up really, really early and be wide awake. Just smoke one cigarette and I can pretty much guarantee that it will make you feel really sick. Also, do you have one of those Quit hotlines where you are? HU have a quit site jou can join for extra support they are very friendly. Wishing you every success, it will get better! Your regular spoons that you eat cereal with are probably not true “teaspoons” or “tablespoons.”. why do i feel worse? And stopping will slow down the progression of the disease. for one probably stress issues another is that if you were smoking for a long while before you quit the toxens from the smoking is still in your system and needs flushed out it takes a long time to get thru the effects of smoking keep strong and try drinking lots of water and take some vitamins it will help alot .. and just try to relax and not stress about things too much … So if you don’t like something right away, keep tasting it (maybe with a different method of preparation) and then hopefully you will end up adding a whole bunch of new foods to your diet. And stopping will slow down the progression of the disease. I still think that smoking disguises what really going on ie your lungs are getting bad but you don't notice because of the cigs . This went on for 5 weeks, then suddenly i was better. I can’t say I have EVER noticed any huge change in my health. You can always pm me. Could not walk to my car without being sob. I didn’t mind so much because I was studying at the time and I got heaps of work done while everyone else was sleeping. @RareDenver Ive noticed I sweat more since I quit too. Hinannyof9, 48 hours after i stopped smoking last year i was really sick. (NSFW) When's the last time you got some? Do you eat mostly meat and potato chips and soda and whole milk? Everything is different about this quit. Well, there are withdrawal effects, though I’d think you’re past those by now. Good on you for giving up too. But you still have to check the actual per serving size. I think the feeling worse bit has got something to do with the lungs getting back to normal. Dizzy after smoking a cigarette Medical Advice It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be … So that would be around 140 mgs. I know I do. You take it while you smoke normally for 2 weeks, then stop smoking, and carry on with the tablets. Just to be on the safe side. Depending upon your joint health and flexibility, you might also want to add some yoga, low impact aerobic dance or pilates. Most processed food is loaded with sodium (and depending upon what the food is, fat and sugar too.). I once had these coughing spells that would come and go for about 2 years. Often it will also cause you to feel like there is a lump in your throat, and can even cause flu like symptoms, complete with nasal drip. If you stick it out a while longer, these nagging feelings and cravings will start to get weaker and hit you less often. You may want to see a doctor about that. It can be discouraging to put in the work to quit, only to find yourself not feeling better right away. PS .. our old family doctor smoked one after the other - couldn't see him in his surgery for smoke - he retired at a healthy old age I believe.... is it just the luck of the game..??.. You should let the doctor know that you are interested in talking with a registered dietician or nutritionist to determine if you need to alter your diet and how to go about that in a smooth transitional manner. It’s intense but short, though it might not feel that way at the time. Here is an article all about calcium (where to find it and how much you need) here. Having a bit of a shout at you. It was like a pulse, not painful but like an extra giant heartbeat that I could feel down the centre of my chest. The extra weight can cause the breathing problems and you may also have developed acid reflux. Believe me they’ve seen and heard it all, so there’s really nothing to be embarrassed about. E-cigs are the only help I’ve been able to use and I only use them occasionally when I’m about to tear my hair out! Last night (Mon) I went to bed with the most bizarre feeling in my chest. You’re probably still reeling from the effects of withdrawal, but because one of the downsides of quitting smoking is gaining weight, that is also adding to your current troubles (which may or may not be contributing to your coughing spells). The two most dangerous drugs to withdraw from are alcohol and benzodiazepines. Your heart might race or you could feel faint or have stomach problems. Struggled to walk around my supermarket etc. From what I understand that smoking tobacco can have a anesthetic affect on inhaling so the lungs do not reject the smoke/heat. First, almost everyone who gains weight has lost back to the weight they were at when smoking within a year of quitting. Please determine to live through it and you will enjoy the benefit for a long time to come. but I agree it is better not to have started in the first place...😇. Way to go quitting and sticking with it😄. Read on for some good news! I’ve got nothing on the coughing, only that it might just be another flavor of respiratory distress. I am still alive and kicking though. When you stop smoking your immune system has to get up off it’s ass and start working harder. :- ). This question is in the General Section. Keep going, don't think anyone died of giving up the fags plus im about six grand better off . Only drink 100% juice (which it will clearly say on the label). My lungs have been in decline and in spring/early summer went through testing since the pulmonologist I'm seeing wanted proof my heart was fine. Something like that .. wow .. amazing how long ago that was. I am a member. And look for products that say low sodium on the label (or no salt added). I recently had to switch to another doctor that was more in tune with my open and chatty style. The pharmacist explained to me that the chemicals in ciggies paralyse the nodules and stuff in your throat and lungs so when you stop smoking they start recovering but become super sensitive to everything so you cough more etc. These increased to about 1 every minute to the point where I could feel them throughout my body. Many smokers are used to periodic coughing and congestion, but the everyday side effects of smoking become harsher as your body adjusts to an influx of fresh oxygen. Any sexual dysfunction? My wheeze that drove me nuts is now gone, but my over all how I feel is not as good as when I was smoking.Â, Hi docmel , I do hope you're keeping well. Meat should only be a small side portion and not the main dish. Chemicals in the cigarettes are designed to give you the illusion that smoking makes you feel better. I think it must be 18 years ago now? I think most people with COPD wish they never started smoking. Dear Camila I feel for you be-leave you me.,I was diagnosed with C.O.P.D. Adding fruits and vegetables and whole grains into your diet will help with this. You have to get over that I am sorry to tell you--but when you do it is so much better NOT smoking. I did cough up a lot of gunk for about 6 weeks. The breathing is probably related to the weight. I am retired now and live alone. Might be worth going to have a word with your doctor. Most Americans don’t get anywhere near the recommended 20 to 35 grams per day. You might feel run down, almost as if you have a cold—in fact, some people refer to this feeling as the "smokers' flu" or "quitters' flu." Walking alone or walking on a treadmill can be boring, but walking at the beach or in the park or at the mall with a friend or two can be very enjoyable. Doctors aren’t the enemy, ignorance is. like im not really craving to smoke, so im not going coldturkey, i just feel extremley bored, and sometimes depressed. To join, you must be at least Drink lots of water too. - I quit smoking almost a year ago, but now I feel worse then I did when I smoked. After a week of being on the medication for acid reflux and watching what I ate, the coughing disappeared. But if he quits smoking he will be pleasantly surprised to find out that he will feel better and be able to cope with life more efficiently than when he was a smoker. that can be treated and cured, whereas if you don’t get these base line tests now, and you have some of these problems, the problems will become much more serious and harder or impossible to treat later on. After I quit, I felt better and better! If your family currently eats butter or regular margarine, you might want to switch to one of the new “healthier” style margarines, that contain no cholesterol or trans fats (2 other ingredients to watch out for in foods) The one that I use is called Smart Balance and I think it tastes great. I need all the helpful hints too getting ready to quit on my target date as of april 1st. What kind of smoking cessation things did you do. I gave up after 40 years heavy smoking and that was 10 years ago and now wonder why the hell I ever wasted so much money and time and health by smoking at all. Because you are nervous or wary of going to the doctor, have a friend or a relative go along with you to the appointment (even into the examination room) so that you will have an extra set of ears to remember what the doctor says, and for them to ask questions that you may be too tongue tied or nervous to ask. But it should have sorted itself out by now. You should aim to eat a more plant based diet. Good sources are low or non-fat milk, cheese, yogurt. You want to drink water and plain (unsweetened) brewed black and green teas (preferably without caffeine) which are loaded with healthy anti-oxidants (which are good to keep your cells intact and functioning properly) and occasionally you can drink some juices like orange and cranberry, but you don’t want to drink them everyday because they do have a lot of sugar. And tell the doctor the whole truth about how much you drink, if you’ve had any type of sexual dysfunction, if you’ve had blood in your urine or your stool or if you’ve ever had any problems with memory or shaking or getting light headed when you stand up, and let them know exactly what kinds of things you eat (and how much) on a regular basis. Yes, I stopped, quite quickly. Once your doctor gets an idea of what’s going on with you, he can advise you if you will need to get annual physicals, or wait until you are 40, but please do not wait to go see a doctor right now. I do not crave one very often anymore, and I don't necessarily want to start up again, but in ways I do. Just search Quit in the search bar at the top of this page take care x. They really took away the craving. I quit once before about 6 years ago and I felt great from day 1. but the cough went quite quickly and I soon began to feel the benefits. I quit smoking why do i feel worse Interesting Comments: 0. Your lungs are healing. Charlie Brooker: For years, cigarettes and I were trapped in an abusive relationship. For people who are trying to quit smoking, fear of coping and functioning without the addiction can be one of the greatest challenges to success.However, it is also important to note that the better a person’s health literacy and their understanding of the impacts of behaviors on the body, the better they are also able to make conscious choices for health and wellness. When you order a salad or anything with a dressing or sauce, get it on the side so you can limit the amount. So if you start out with a per serving size of 1 teaspoon of mustard, for example, which may have 90 mgs of sodium, if you double or triple or quadruple that 1 teaspoon serving size, you will be multiplying the amount of sodium!

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